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Here we cover important news and updates on several topics, such as: data security, compliance, cloud computing, HCL product updates, our company news, and more.

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HCL Domino family

Domino 14: A New Era in Business Application Development

Domino 14: A New Era in Business Application Development

Domino 14: Powering Businesses with Advanced Capabilities Domino 14 is a comprehensive solution designed to meet the multifaceted demands of modern businesses. Far from being a mere update, it represents a comprehensive overhaul of the Domino platform, tailored to...

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Prominic News

Super.Human.Installer and Genesis.Directory

Super.Human.Installer and Genesis.Directory

Prominic introduced Super.Human.Installer earlier this year, and at Collabsphere 2023 our own co-founder and CTO, Justin Hill, presented an in-depth demo of this great open-source tool.  Why We Created Super.Human.Installer You might remember that in 2021 Prominic...


HCL Sametime Version 12 Launch

HCL Sametime Version 12 Launch

HCL launched the new version of HCL Sametime, Version 12 on April 27th. Let’s explore this new version. The fact that each and every company has its eyes focused on digitalization and how it can improve remote or hybrid work is now news. The old-fashioned way of...

Low-Code App Development

Domino REST API: Revolutionizing Collaboration in the Digital Era

Domino REST API: Revolutionizing Collaboration in the Digital Era

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses require collaboration platforms that are not only efficient but also seamlessly integrate with modern technologies. Domino REST API is a groundbreaking solution designed to transform Domino into a world-class,...

Security  & Compliance

Business Practices

Navigating the AI Frontier: Benefits and Risks Unveiled

Navigating the AI Frontier: Benefits and Risks Unveiled

The age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ushered in a wave of excitement and innovation. Businesses of all sizes are eager to tap into the limitless potential that AI promises. From industry giants to startups, everyone wants a piece of the AI pie. But in the midst...

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