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Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the significance of Disaster Recovery (DR) has gained unprecedented attention in the business world. Most companies have come to realize the critical importance of swiftly rebounding from disruptive events. In 2020, approximately 80% of Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) reported having a recovery plan in place.1 However, the question remains: Is your business’s data truly 100% recoverable?

If you’re uncertain about the recoverability of your business-sensitive data or if you’re not actively testing your DR solution to identify potential issues such as syncing problems, your DR strategy may not be as effective as you think. An effective DR plan should address a wide range of threats to vital applications and systems, from minor equipment failures to severe natural disasters.

Failure to establish a fully and rapidly recoverable environment can lead to several significant consequences, including:

  • Downtime: For SMBs, per-hour downtime costs can escalate to as much as $50,000.2
  • Customer Dissatisfaction: Approximately one-third of customers will sever their ties with a business that can’t securely handle their data.3
  • Regulatory Penalties: Inadequate data handling practices may result in penalties amounting to 4% of the company’s turnover.4

This is where the concept of Recovery Assurance (RA) comes into play. Recovery assurance involves comprehensive testing of backups to guarantee quick system recovery in the event of cyber disruption.

Delivering Recovery Assurance with the Right Backup Solution

To achieve recovery assurance, it’s essential to select a backup solution that offers the following critical features:

  • Automated Recovery Testing: This feature enables you to easily schedule tests for your systems. The solution should automatically install the entire software stack and boot it in a test environment, either on a backup appliance or in the cloud. It goes beyond merely validating server operation restoration to testing recovery at the application level.
  • Non-Disruptiveness: The solution should fully restore applications, perform analytics, measure recovery time and recovery points, and identify why certain recoveries fail, all without impacting productivity. This can be achieved by conducting all testing on the backup appliance or in the cloud.
  • Ability to Generate Insightful Reports: The reports generated should be easy to understand and shareable with your auditors. They must identify the number of successful tests and compare the actual recovery point/time to your expected recovery objectives. Additionally, a list of recovery issues and likely causes helps ensure swift remediation.

Seven Considerations When Selecting a Backup & Recovery Solution

In the realm of backup solutions, a diverse array of options is available to cater to the specific needs of organizations. The reason for this abundance is the recognition that no single solution can universally accommodate the multifaceted requirements of various entities. Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) looking to make informed decisions about their backup solutions should carefully assess their options based on the following comprehensive criteria:

  • Hybrid Storage:

In a contemporary landscape where distributed workforces have become the norm, the reliance on on-premise backup solutions is often inadequate. To effectively address the demands of modern businesses, a hybrid storage approach is indispensable. This approach seamlessly integrates both on-premise and cloud storage options, offering businesses the flexibility and redundancy required to safeguard their data. With the prevalence of remote work, data accessibility from multiple locations is paramount, and hybrid storage is designed to accommodate these evolving needs.

  • Recoverability:

The essence of backup solutions transcends merely restoring a single deleted file. It extends to the critical objective of swiftly resurrecting an entire business operation following a cyber disruption event. In assessing backup solutions, the focus should be on comprehensive recoverability capabilities, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum operational continuity in the face of unforeseen disruptions.

  • Regular Backup:

In the digital age, businesses are constantly generating and updating data, forming the backbone of their operations. The loss or compromise of such data can trigger severe complications that may exceed the tolerance of many SMBs. Therefore, regular and systematic data backups are not just a prudent practice; they are an indispensable component of effective data management. Reliable backup solutions must offer automated and regular data backup to ensure that no critical information is left vulnerable to loss.

  • Remote Access:

In a post-pandemic landscape, businesses have embraced the reality of operating from diverse locations and systems. Consequently, a modern backup solution must accommodate and facilitate remote access. This feature is paramount for businesses to maintain seamless operations, irrespective of geographical or device constraints. The ability to access data remotely provides businesses with agility and resiliency.

  • Scalability:

Ambitious growth is an inherent trait of virtually every business. Thus, the backup solution chosen must be inherently scalable to accommodate a business’s evolving needs. Scalability ensures that as a business expands, its data management system can grow in tandem without disruptive or costly transitions.

  • Support:

The role of a backup solution provider extends beyond the mere deployment of technology. Effective and responsive support is essential to resolve issues promptly and minimize disruptions. A backup solution provider should be capable of providing timely assistance when needed. Failure to do so can have substantial ramifications on a business’s productivity, financial performance, and overall efficiency.

  • Security and Compliance:

Ensuring the security and compliance of data is paramount in the modern business landscape. An effective backup solution must offer robust data encryption to protect sensitive information and restrict access to authorized personnel exclusively. Moreover, it should align with regulatory standards, encompassing data handling practices and other vital functionalities to ensure compliance with industry-specific or regional regulations.

Choosing the right backup solution is a pivotal decision for SMBs. It necessitates a comprehensive evaluation that considers hybrid storage, recoverability, regular backup, remote access, scalability, support, and security and compliance. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in safeguarding a business’s data, operations, and long-term growth. Making an informed choice in this regard can significantly enhance an organization’s data resilience and continuity, fortifying it against unexpected disruptions and ensuring the integrity of its critical information assets.

If you still have questions or require assistance in selecting and implementing the right backup solution tailored to your unique business, do not hesitate to contact us today. Your data recovery is our priority.

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