+1-217-356-2888 / +1-877-736-8932

Privacy Policy

Prominic.NET, Inc. Is committed to the privacy of its users. Prominic utilizes the best available practices to help secure sensitive information against unauthorized disclosure or misuse.

Prominic is a member of the Better Business Bureau and makes a concerted effort to comply with the privacy standards of that organization.


Prominic does not collect personally identifiable information about individuals except as needed in the course of ordinary business operations, or when explicitly provided voluntarily.

Prominic may collect IP addresses and Domain Names of visitors to its website, the e-mail addresses of those who communicate via email, and information volunteered by users by phone, electronic communication, or in person. This information may be used for internal marketing, such as sales, promotional e-mail, and newsletters.

Non-personal information and data may be collected through the use of ‘cookies’ used to track the patterns of website users. Collected information is used in the diagnosis of problems and administration of Prominic’s website.

Upon registering for an account with Prominic, customers must submit and maintain identifying contact information and financial information for billing purposes. Sensitive data will be transmitted in a secure and encrypted manner. It is the responsibility of the customer to maintain this information in accordance with the Contact Information Policy. This information will be used by Prominic solely for administrative and internal marketing purposes.

Prominic does not collect information from minors. Any information known to be that of an individual who has not yet attained the age of 18, and without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, will be immediately removed from its systems.


Prominic respects its users’ privacy and makes reasonable efforts to treat all user information in a confidential manner. Only those employees who need the information as part of their day to day responsibilities are granted access to personally identifiable information.
The gathered information is not shared with third parties, nor is it sold or disclosed to any non-affiliated entity. Prominic shall disclose personal information solely to the extent that such action is required by law.


From time to time, Prominic may contact users to ensure the data on record is accurate and up to date. Prominic will allow users to opt out of promotional contacts or update information previously submitted at any time. Users may also subscribe or unsubscribe to promotional materials and newsletters at any time. Notice of user options should be submitted to Support@Prominic.NET or by phone at +1.217.356.2999.


Prominic takes no responsibility for the privacy practices or the content of websites owned and maintained by other entities that are accessed by hyperlink from the Prominic website. Where applicable, Prominic will notate outside hyperlinks and/or open such hyperlinks in new web browser windows.

This document may be modified at any time and will be in effect 30 days after online posting.

Rev. 20060901
Posted: December 1st, 2006
In Effect: January 1st, 2007