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HCL has been working a lot last year in developing new solutions and improving existing ones. But they did not focus only on software development but also into giving us resources to keep up with changing tech.

HCL Software Academy for HCL Digital Solutions is one of the projects that HCL has presented last year; and it looks great. It also comes with Technical Certifications, which is one other thing people have been asking about.

The launch of HCL Software Academy was in steps as one might expect:

HCL Digital Academy

The HCL Software Academy website is live and you can check out a lot of Domino sessions that will help you get up to speed with everything that is new and exciting within the community as well as finding ways to help your customers. 

The mission of this Software Academy is having a number of deliverables for HCL Customers and Business Partners for all the technology HCL offers.

This will be achieved through:

  • Live Education Courses
    • Live classes hosted by product experts;
    • Opportunities for direct Q&A
  • On Demand Education
    • Video & Webinar based journeys to help learners build product skills and test their knowledge with quizzes
  • Hands on Labs
    • Creation of Sandbox demo systems and labs to validate learning in a live environment. The Volt Sandbox is quite an interesting one and HCL is planning on expanding this approach to other products as well. 
  • Badge / Incentive Programs
    • Milestones to motivate learners to earn badges and celebrate achievements
  • Technical Certification
    • Rebirth of the DS Technical Certification Program to show expertise in profitable skills that are in demand.

As you might expect this whole endeavour is achieved with the help of a number of experts, grouped in a Team. 

These are the responsibilities that that team has:

  • Scope and Plan Learning Journeys / Product Curricula
  • Identify and locate existing product education
  • Examine existing content for possible inclusion in product Learning Journeys
  • Determine if content is out of date or if it can be reused
  • Identify gaps / missing learning topics / material
  • Identify Content Contributors to help create education

Here is how a Product Learning Journey is planned to look like:

 Product Learning Journey

After the Content Review Board creates the Learning Journeys and flags the content that needs to be created the HCL Software Academy Content Creators will:

  • sign up for appropriate content topics based on their area of expertise
  • use content creation guidelines and presentation templates to create short, quality education for on demand, easy to consume content using different video software.

The goal is having the best people designing the outlines of your Learning Journey and the best experts in offering you quality content that will help you get better.

2021 brings forth the Technical Certification Board. The goal is to take the learning journeys and product documentation and create Certification Exams that will enable people to show their expertise and skills on all the products that HCL offers.

The Technical Certification Board will have these responsibilities:

  • Use Product Documentation, Resources and courses in the Learning Journeys to create Exam Questions and Answers
  • Determine test question format
  • Determine exam length
  • Assignment of Scoring / Points
  • Language Availability
  • Automatically earn Product Certification upon completion and launch of Exam.

If you are interested in participating in HCL Software Academy shoot an e-mail here: ds.academy@hcl.com.